
Showing posts from May, 2012

How to create an organizational chart in your webpage using Google Organization Chart Tools

Image While googling for some information on organizational charts of various companies, I came across this cool visualization tool on Google Developers. If you are comfortable with JavaScript and want a quick and easy way to churn out a simple organizational chart that displays on a webpage, this tool is quite useful. Organizational chart churned out using Google's Visualization OrgChart object To use it, follow these few steps Step 1: Include this tag in your <head> tag in your HTML file <script type = 'text/javascript' src = '' ></script> Step 2: Load visualization package and set callback method when page loads In this case, the callback method is "drawChart". <script type = 'text/javascript' >       google . load ( 'visualization' , '1' , { packages :[ 'orgchart' ]});    

How to add a Facebook "Like" button to your Blogger posts

This is a short tutorial with 7 steps that teaches you how to embed a Facebook "Like" button to each of your Blogger posts. If you completed the 7 steps successfully, you will be able to see a "Like" button that looks like the one below. Interested to know how? Its easy, so read on! A Facebook "Like" button at the end of a Blogger post Step 1 Log in your Blogger Account Go to Blogger Dashboard.  Click on your Blog Title. Navigate to Template tab. Step 2 Click on Edit HTML button Click Proceed button to view Template Editor. Step 3 Check  "Expand Widget Templates" Step 4 Type "Ctrl-F" to look for the keywords "<data:post.body/>" in the template Step 5 Once you have located the position of "<data:post.body>", refer to the screenshot above to add the code below at the correct position <br/>     <iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&