
Showing posts from July, 2011

Cannot see Twitter posts in Firefox 5 - Blank screen

For the past few days, I had problems accessing my Twitter feeds when I used Firefox 5 on my PC.  I knew it wasn't because Twitter server was down; if I use Tweetdeck, the feeds come out fine.  Tried to google to find a solution, but to no avail. Fortunately, I have a few Twitter experts in my students at the polytechnic :) Thanks to Isabelle, Tina etc, I learnt that I just need to use instead of the normal and everything just works fine! Thanks gals! :) I hope this post helps others who may be facing the same problem as me too.

MS-DOS batch file to create a folder by date and time

I am a sucker for organising my documents in folders that are named by chronological dates because I find this an effective way of locating them when I need them. But for lazy people like me, I do find it quite a hassle to have to create folders that match the current date and time. So I decided to write a MS-DOS batch command file to automate the process just now. Code is below. Just type the code below in Notepad and name the batch file "CreateFolderByDateTime.bat" and you can dump it in any folder to conveniently create sub-folders that are named by the current date and time in that folder. Just double-click the batch file in Windows Explorer to automatically create a folder using the current date and time for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%A in ('date/t') do ( set a1=%%A set b1=%%B set c1=%%C set d1=%%D ) for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=: " %%A in ('time/t') do ( set a2=%%A set b2=%%B set c2=%%C ) set CurrentDate=%d1%-%c1%-%